Asset Protection

BTA Legal practices in the area of asset protection planning to protect high-risk individuals’ and business owners’ wealth. To this end, we utilize a number of domestic and foreign business, trust, and partnership vehicles for the highest level of asset protection. The goal is to help our clients to build and protect their assets. Clients look to us for guidance in structuring their business and personal affairs. This guidance may result in the creation of plans for leaving assets in trust for family members and other person’s of significance, including business partners. Or in regards to business, the formation of a variety of entities such as corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, or offshore vehicles. Structuring businesses in a limited liability form, such as corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and joint ventures is a prominent aspect of asset protection. We apply our knowledge of state and federal laws and our expertise in business structures to developing business strategies that promote the growth of business in a way that protects interests and complies with regulations governing business conduct. Gifting to Charities

Estate Planning A logical complement to asset protection is a well structured estate plan. Estate planning allows clients to determine the post-mortem distribution of assets, protect families from financial uncertainty, provide for charities, and minimize the tax impact on a given estate. Similarly, estate planning may consider the inexperience of spouses, children and other beneficiaries when inheriting substantial assets. As such, a well drafted estate plan may allow the grantor to protect beneficiaries from making financial mistakes by interposing the guidance of such fiduciaries as trustees.

Asset Protection | BTA Lawgroup, PLLC


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